Type TPLH Radial
General purpose radial lead Ultracapacitor cells


  • Small size and low resistance
  • Quick charge and discharge
  • RoHS compliant
  • Sealed for improved performance in elevated humidity environments
  • UL Recognized


  • Pulse power demand
  • Hybrid battery packs
  • Portable electronic devices

General Specifications

Operating temperature-40°C to +65°C @ 2.7V
-40°C to +85°C @ 2.3V
Storage temperature-40°C to +70°C
Rated voltage2.7 VDC / 2.3 VDC
Surge voltage2.85 VDC
Temperature characteristicsCapacitance change: Within ±5% of initial measured value at +25°C (-40°C to +65°C)
Internal resistance: Within ±50% of initial measured value at +25°C (at -40°C)
(At rated voltage & max. operating temp)
After 1000 hours:
Capacitance change: ±30% of initial rated value
Internal resistance: Within 2 times of initial specified value
Projected Load life
(At rated voltage & 25°C)
After 10 years:
Capacitance change: Within ±30 % of initial rated value
Internal resistance: Within 2 times of initial specified value
Projected cycle life
(From rated voltage to 1/2 rated voltage at 25°C)
After 500,000 cycles:
Capacitance change: Within ±30 % of initial rated value
Internal resistance: Within 2 times of initial specified value
Shelf lifeAfter 4 years at 25°C without load, the capacitor shall meet the specified endurance limits.
Biased humidity life3000 hours of continuous charging at VR, 60°C and 90%RH for mechanical integrity


Standard Products

Part Number Nom. Cap. (F)GMV (F)*ESR DC Typical (mΩ)ESR AC Max. (mΩ)
(1 KHz)
Leakage Current (µA)
(72 hrs @ 25C)
Dimensions (mm)Rated
Current (A)
Weight/Unit (grams)
*NOTE: GMV = Guaranteed Minimum Value.